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Sweep Away Office Politics To Accomplish Big Organizational Goals

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Office finger-pointing can get in the way of team goals. (©saifulvr46/stock.adobe.com)

You've got big team goals. But internal squabbles are getting in the way. So how do you mobilize everyone to rise above petty politics to get things done?


Some leaders try to bridge internal divides by issuing edicts. Insisting that people work together rarely works, however, because they may not trust each other.

A smarter strategy to hit team goals is to cultivate strong relationships with employees. If they view you as a credible leader who levels with them, they're more apt to prioritize the greater good of the organization over their own narrow interests.

"It's how they see you as a leader," said Jeannie Diefenderfer, chief executive of Center for Higher Ambition Leadership, a nonprofit organization for CEOs. "If they perceive you as transparent and authentic, it's not as difficult to get them to pull together toward a goal."

On the other hand, employees who see the head honcho as aloof may continue to undermine each other rather than work seamlessly. They may figure if the leader makes decisions in a vacuum and doesn't communicate well, why bother to rally around team goals? So how do you unify your workforce to achieve a big win?

Describe, Don't Prescribe, Team Goals

It's tempting to tell staffers what to do — and what not to do. But that won't get you very far.

For example, urging them "not to waste so much time gossiping" can trigger resentment. Perhaps they're gossiping because they're getting mixed messages from the top or unsure of the organization's direction.

"It's better to treat them as partners, not as subjects where you know better than they do and you're going to tell them exactly what do to," Diefenderfer said. She suggests describing what the team goals and then letting them figure out how to follow through.

Focus On Job Performance

Internal strife intensifies when employees feel under threat by scheming peers. If co-workers routinely snipe at each other or criticize colleagues behind their back, it can poison the atmosphere. Team goals slip away.

Workers tend to react negatively if they feel they're being judged for nonwork criteria such as their hobbies, friends or taste in fashion. If higher ups even hint that they're evaluating employees on their personal choices, it can breed internal dissension.

"The only thing leaders should be judging (employees on) is their performance," Diefenderfer said.

Team Goals: Show Curiosity

Employees can tell whether you value what they do. If you come across as genuinely interested in their work — and you're quick to express admiration for their skills — they're more willing to trust you and pull together to achieve a team goal.

"If you truly respect everyone's role in an enterprise, people see it," Diefenderfer said. When she ran a large business unit at a telecom company, she managed technicians.

"I was fascinated in how they did their work," she recalled. "I was super-curious." By marveling at their ability to troubleshoot, she earned their trust.

Accept Error When Shooting For Team Goals

In pursuing a big goal, set reasonable expectations. Let people know that while you expect them to work hard, you will not demand perfection.

"Make it OK to make mistakes," said Donato Tramuto, author of "The Double Bottom Line." If you're willing to be proven wrong, you enable the entire team to feel more comfortable acknowledging blunders and moving on.

Dignify Everyone's Input

Office politics thrive when workers dismiss their leaders as out of touch. Don't let that happen. Tap formal and informal communication channels to maintain daily contact with team members.

Encourage people to speak up and then dignify their feedback, Tramuto says. Even if you don't agree, responding to them respectfully helps them feel heard.


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